What happened to our basic health checks?

I would hope most of you would agree that health checks are beneficial in many areas of life. Whether it’s a check up at the dentist, or having your car inspected, it can really pay off to be pro-active and catch potential problems early.

Recently our team has carried out a number of IT audits and I have found basic IT health checks were generally not present. This can create excessive IT labour costs and in some cases lead to a major incident, causing business down time.

Here are some examples of what your IT health check should include:

Backup status. Make sure to frequently carry out test restorations.

Virus and malware protection with the latest updates.

Disaster Recovery failover test (this does not need to be complex for small business).

Security updates are current for software such as Windows and Mac operating systems etc.

It is also important to keep these health checks simple and efficient to ensure they are carried out regularly. Feel free to comment, or send through a message with any questions.

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